Josh Lindfield
I am Hannah's bossiest (and oldest) sibling, a title she didn’t give up easily. Hannah, her 'little-big sister' Lamorna, who was younger but always taller than Hannah, her little brother Ollie or simply 'Boy' and I grew up in the Cornish countryside where we would spend most of our time with animals of various shapes and sizes. Hannah always seemed to be caring for injured wildlife; a rabbit that had been caught by the cats or a bird that had hurt it's wing.
When Hannah moved out to go to university I would go to stay with her in her flat and a group of us would go out to the student bars of Plymouth. One of the best memories I have is of Hannah helicoptering her guide cane round her head on a dance floor with people ducking, or in some unlucky cases not, to dodge being hit in the temples.
It's been my honour to have been the Treasurer for Hannah's Fund since it's inception in 2017, bringing a much more responsible attitude to the charity than I did to my influence as an older brother. In that time we've seen the first few people come to us for support and we are slowly helping more and more each year. I can only hope that in such uncertain times those who are struggling know that we, and other mental health charities, are still here to provide support to those who need