Still looking for help?
You may decide that Hannah's Fund is not quite what you are looking for at the moment so we have gathered some names and contacts details of other agencies and charities that may be able to help.
Useful Organisations:
0330 120 0410
Headlines is the leading Charity supporting people with Craniosynostosis and other rare craniofacial conditions
0300 012 0275
Providing support and promoting respect for everyone with a visible difference
Support to families with disabled children, providing the best possible guidance and support
0808 808 3555
Supporting young people and their mental health
Young Minds Text Line
Text YM to 85258 for free
Parents Helpline 0808 802 5544
Your online mental well-being community
Providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children
Helpline 01904 550055
Help with housing, money, debt, benefits
England 0800 1448848
Wales 0800 702 202
Expert information, advice and support for unpaid carers
0808 808 7777